Bringing Matplotlib to the Browser

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Image with Mouse Position
This example shows how mpld3 can display images using plt.imshow().
It also includes the mouse position plugin, so that the mouse coordinates
are displayed in the lower-right corner.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import mpld3
from mpld3 import plugins

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 20)
y = x[:, None]
X = np.zeros((20, 20, 4))

X[:, :, 0] = np.exp(- (x - 1) ** 2 - (y) ** 2)
X[:, :, 1] = np.exp(- (x + 0.71) ** 2 - (y - 0.71) ** 2)
X[:, :, 2] = np.exp(- (x + 0.71) ** 2 - (y + 0.71) ** 2)
X[:, :, 3] = np.exp(-0.25 * (x ** 2 + y ** 2))

im = ax.imshow(X, extent=(10, 20, 10, 20),
               origin='lower', zorder=1, interpolation='nearest')
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)

ax.set_title('An Image', size=20)

plugins.connect(fig, plugins.MousePosition(fontsize=14))

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